Choosing a day care provider for your child can be a very difficult and emotional decision. Leaving your little one in the hands of strangers is one of the hardest things a parent will ever do. But once you find a place of nurturing and fun for your child, and comfort for you both, you will need to start preparing for daycare.
The first day of day care is a huge milestone in your toddler’s life. The daycare transition can be rough for both you and your child. It is a significant change that will take some getting used to. Here are some helpful child care tips to help ease some stress and get all of you prepared:
When the day finally arrives, allow plenty of time for the family to complete the morning routine. It is easier to adjust to new routines without the added stress of poor time management. Also, include a photo, favorite toy or stuffed animal in your toddler’s backpack, something from home that will offer a sense of security.
On the first day of daycare, arrive a little early. Don’t rush off right away and allow your child to show you around. If your toddler gets upset when you are attempting to leave, remain calm and reassuring. This is one of the worst times for a parent, but it opens up the opportunity for the caregiver to comfort and bond with your child.
Keep in mind, your toddler will probably only cry for a few minutes. The whole family will make it through the daycare transition successfully and your child will be exposed to a new world of fun, friends and fond experiences.